
If a student should find it impossible to continue in school, he or she should initiate withdrawal procedures by notifying the office staff in writing.  The staff will assist the student in the procedures for completing formal withdrawal. The Institution will provide a Leave of Absence to pregnant and postpartum recovery students, if medically necessary. 

Students withdrawing from individual classes will received a “W” (Withdrawal) on their transcripts if they withdraw by the midpoint of the course (end of week three – Non-Nursing, end of week six – Nursing) and a “WF” (Withdrawal-Failing) if the withdrawal occurs after the midpoint of the course.  Withdrawals are not used to calculate grade point average but are used to calculate rate of progression standards.  The institution does not offer Withdrawal-Passing.

Students shall be considered to be enrolled in the Institution until: (a) the Institution receives written notification that the student desires to withdraw; (b) the student is terminated by the Institution; (c) the student fails to return to classes at the start of the next quarter; or (d) the student discontinues attendance with the intent not to return.