Program Objectives/Optional Certifications and Credentials

The objective of this Institution’s programs and courses is to prepare students to obtain the skills and knowledge necessary to pass their classes and ultimately meet graduation requirements so graduates can obtain entry level employment. Opportunities for advancement will depend on the graduate.   As such, graduates will have basic skills and knowledge that will assist the graduate to enter his/her chosen career field. This background will also prepare graduates for more advanced study.  To enhance their own employability and career advancement, graduates must strive to become more knowledgeable in their field and obtain optional certifications and credentials (as all people in the workforce should do in today’s rapidly changing economy).  This is the graduate’s responsibility. 

Although some courses may include materials designed to help students prepare for certification/credentials not required for employment in that career field, individual program graduation requirements do not mandate that students obtain any type of optional computer, medical, technology, or other outside certifications or credentials.  Passing written examinations or meeting other requirements necessary to obtain optional or mandatory state, national, industry, or other types of certification, licensure, registration, or other credentials available in the computer field, medical field, and in some other fields will require additional out of class study and preparation on the student’s part. As with any endeavor, the student is responsible to put forth the time and effort necessary to master the subject matter required to pass written examinations, practical tests, oral examinations, or other requirements.  Also, eligibility requirements for optional certifications can vary and may change periodically.  If a prospective student is interested in a specific certification, it is that individual’s responsibility to determine in advance whether the institution’s training will qualify the individual to take the necessary test(s) and/or otherwise qualify for the certification.

Program titles and objectives and the content of courses may be updated and changed periodically by the institution.  Students will be scheduled and graduated accordingly.