
Practical Nursing

48 weeks

Available methods of delivery:  Blended

The objective of this program is to provide theoretical instruction and clinical experience in gerontological, medical, surgical, obstetric, and pediatric nursing. Clinical instruction will occur in both acute and long-term care settings for application of the vocation role and function. At the fundamental level students are introduced to care for patients with simple and short-term nursing needs and will then progress to more complex long-term needs. Students will utilize the nursing process to provide safe effective care applying scientific principles of nursing. Students will be prepared to function as a member of the healthcare team by exercising sound nursing judgment, critical thinking and competent care based on the scope of practice for the student practical nurse.

Courses must be taken in the following sequential order:


Graduation Requirements: 

To qualify for graduation from the Practical Nursing program, a student must: 

  1. Pass all required courses with a 75% grade or better.
    1. If a student scores below a 75% grade in any course, the student will be academically dismissed from the program and be required to re-apply for admission.
  2. Satisfactorily complete all laboratory skill competencies in the Practical Nursing curriculum.
  3. Satisfactorily complete all clinical requirements in the Practical Nursing curriculum. 
  4. Have completed all ATI testing with a proficiency level of 2 or 3, with the exception of the one ATI Proctored Exam allowed by the Program. 

Licensure Requirements for Practical Nurses:

In order to become licensed as a practical nurse in West Virginia, graduates must sit for the National Council of State Board of Nursing’s National Certification Licensure Exam for Practical Nursing (NCLEX-PN) and meet all state requirements.  

Practical Nursing licensure is required in each state and is governed by each state's legislature. Additional information regarding professional licensure or certification requirements can be located on the college’s website at the following link: https://www.wvjc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/BRID_Practical-Nursing-Disclosure.pdf. The graduate may obtain copies of their transcripts for submission to other state boards of practical nursing. Successful completion of the NCLEX-PN and application for licensure as a practical nurse in a state other than the state in which the institution is located is the responsibility of the graduate.  Each state has the right to establish (and change from time to time) its own requirements.  Therefore, any practical nursing student who may be considering practicing out of state should check with the state’s requirements before beginning classes. 

** The Practical Nursing program follows the Official School Calendar “A” Quarters