1. Early Admission Scholarship
The College understands the necessity for high school graduates to begin their futures with marketable skills which are critical to career satisfaction. The College also believes that high school graduates should be presented the opportunity to develop these valuable skills while prudently managing the amount of financial investment required to obtain a post-secondary education. In the spirit of these goals, the College offers high school students the opportunity to receive the Early Admission Scholarship.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Applicant must be a current high school student
- Applicants must (a) make application for enrollment, (b) remit application and seat fees (if applicable) and (c) be accepted into one of the institution’s programs.
- Applicant must begin classes within one (1) year of high school graduation
- While enrolled at the College, the applicant must maintain (a) continuous enrollment and (b) Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Submit Expressive Demonstration (An expressive demonstration of "why college is important to you" (Mediums could include but are not limited to, one or more of the following: written expression, video, presentation, social media engagement, expressive piece of art, etc.)
Number of Awards:
The number of awards is not capped.
Degree: Eligible students will be awarded up to $3,000 ($500 per term)
*Additional institutional scholarships cannot be used.
Diploma: Eligible students will be awarded up to $1,500 ($500 per term) in their first academic year.
Application Process & Deadlines:
- Application Process: (1) Complete a college interview. (2) Submit your expressive demonstration.
- Application Deadline: November 30
2. College Commitment Scholarship
The College understands the importance of developing high school graduates into productive members of society who are committed to taking an active role in the betterment of our community. Therefore, the College offers the College Commitment Scholarship to high school students who can demonstrate their high level of commitment to completing their degree and pursuing their career path to shape society and the surrounding community.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Applicant must be a current high school student or have graduated from high school within one year.
- Applicants, before the deadline date must (a) make application for enrollment, (b) remit application and seat fees (if applicable) and (c) be accepted into one of the institution’s diploma or associate degree programs.
- The student must begin classes within one year of the recipient's high school graduation date.
- While enrolled at the college the applicant must maintain (a) continuous enrollment and (b) Satisfactory Academic Progress.
- Submit Expressive Demonstration (An expressive demonstration of five or more reasons that going to college and pursuing your career path is important to you. How are you going to shape society and the surrounding community with what you are going to study and pursue in your career?(Mediums could include but are not limited to, one or more of the following: written expression, video, song, presentation, social media engagement, expressive piece of art, etc.)
Number of Awards:
The number of awards is not capped.
- Degree: Eligible students will be awarded up to $2,000 ($333 per term *additional institutional scholarships cannot be used
- Diploma: Eligible students will be awarded up to $1,000 ($333 per term) in their first academic year
Application Process & Deadlines:
- Application Process: (1) Complete a college interview. (2) Submit your expressive demonstration.
- See your admissions department for current deadlines and eligibility requirements. Application and Seat Fee (if applicable) are due prior to enrollment to establish eligibility.
3. Nursing Pathway Scholarship
West Virginia Junior College recognizes the need for trained healthcare and nursing professionals in our communities. Therefore, to support this need and the lifelong career goals of our students, WVJC offers the following Nursing Pathway Scholarship to qualified Alumni.
Practical Nursing Diploma/Nursing Degree
Eligibility Criteria:
- Students must be a graduate of one of West Virginia Junior College’s, United Career Institute’s, or East Ohio College’s medical diploma or associate degree programs.
- Students must apply for and be accepted into the institution’s Associate Degree Nursing or Practical Nursing Diploma program.
Number of Awards:
The number of awards is not capped.
Degree: Eligible students will be awarded up to $3,000 ($500 per term)
Diploma: Eligible students will be awarded up to $1,500 ($375 per payment period)
*additional scholarships cannot be used
Application Process & Deadlines:
Qualified alumni are auto-applied for the Nursing Pathway Scholarship by virtue of their enrollment.
There are no application deadlines.
4. Employee Appreciation Scholarship
West Virginia Junior College appreciates its employees and their dedication to helping WVJC students improve their lives through career-focused training and support. As a token of its gratitude for the great service WVJC employees provide, WVJC offers the Employee Appreciation Scholarship to its qualified employees.
Eligibility Requirements:
- The employee must be employed by this Institution, another institution under common ownership, or a related company that provides support to those institutions.
- The employee must be in good standing, which includes but is not limited to, consideration of length of employment. The minimum employment is six months of service. Should the employee’s employment be terminated either voluntarily or involuntarily while the employee is receiving the scholarship, awards will be discontinued at the end of the current term.
- Employee must (a) make application for enrollment, (b) remit application and seat fees (if applicable) and (c) be accepted into one of the institution’s associate degree or diploma programs.
- The Employee Appreciation Scholarship will apply to both full-time and part-time employees as long as the employee meets the criteria stated above.
Number of Awards:
The number of awards is not capped.
Non-Nursing: Employee - 90% of program tuition and fees (minus other grants, scholarships and benefits).
Nursing: Employee - 50% of program tuition and fees (minus other grants, scholarships and benefits).
Equally distributed across terms in the program *additional scholarships cannot be used.
Application Process:
Employees should make a written request to the College President including (a) the proposed scholarship recipient, (b) the program of interest, and (c) how the proposed recipient will benefit from the scholarship.
There are no application deadlines.
5. Family Appreciation Scholarship
West Virginia Junior College appreciates its employees and their dedication to helping WVJC students improve their lives and the lives of their family through career-focused training and support. As a token of its gratitude for the great service WVJC employees provide, WVJC offers the Family Appreciation Scholarship to its qualified employees and family members.
Eligibility Requirements:
- For the purpose of this scholarship only, “Eligible Family Member” is defined as a parent, spouse, child, or grandchild. This includes family members that are formally adopted. (Note: Siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and other extended family members are not eligible.) Documentation must be provided upon request.
- The employee must be employed by this Institution, another institution under common ownership, or a related company that provides support to those institutions.
- The employee must be in good standing, which includes but is not limited to, consideration of length of employment. The minimum employment is six months of service. Should the employee’s employment be terminated either voluntarily or involuntarily while the employee or his/her qualified family member is receiving the scholarship, awards will be discontinued at the end of the current term.
- Applicants must (a) make application for enrollment, (b) remit application and seat fees (if applicable) and (c) be accepted into one of the institution’s associate degree or diploma programs.
- The Family Appreciation Scholarship will apply to both full-time and part-time employee's as long as the employee meets the criteria stated above.
Number of Awards:
The number of awards is not capped.
All Programs: Qualified Family Member: 50% of program tuition and fees (minus other grants, scholarships and benefits).
Equally distributed across terms in the program *additional scholarships cannot be used.
Application Process:
Employees should make a written request to the College President (a) the proposed scholarship recipient, (b) the program of interest, and (c) how the proposed recipient will benefit from the scholarship.
There are no application deadlines.
6. Armed Services Scholarships
West Virginia Junior College armed services scholarship is designed to recognize the sacrifice made by volunteering for duty in a branch of the armed services. The objective of the scholarship is to help finance career education for the families of these individuals.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Active duty or veteran (as defined by the Veteran’s Administration) who served in the Armed Forces and their families who choose to attend West Virginia Junior College
- Family members are defined as a parent, step-parent, spouse and children including step-children. This includes family members that are formally adopted.
- Family member applicants must (a) make application for enrollment, (b) remit seat fees (if applicable) (c) be accepted into one of the institution’s associate degree or diploma programs.
- With proper documentation, a veteran, active duty, dependent of a veteran, or a spouse of a veteran will have his or her application fee waived. The student is still responsible to pay the seat fee.
- Student must be able to show eligibility proof (for example: Military ID or DD214 papers)
Number of Awards:
The number of awards is not capped.
Degree: Eligible students will be awarded up to $2,000 ($333 per term)
Diploma: Eligible students will be awarded up to $1,000 in their first year ($333 per term)
Application Process and Deadlines:
Qualified students and prospective students who have been accepted for enrollment are auto applied for the Armed Services Scholarship by virtue of their enrollment.
There are no application deadlines.
7. Imagine America Scholarships
The award-winning Imagine America scholarship program helps thousands of high school seniors each year pursue a career college education. As a participating Imagine America institution, WVJC will award up to ten (10) Imagine America scholarships annually based on year of high school graduation. Additional scholarships may be accepted at the sole discretion of WVJC.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicant must be a current high school student
- High school GPA of 2.5 or better
- Demonstrated community service during senior year
- Likelihood of successful college completion
Number of Awards:
Up to ten (10) Imagine America scholarships annually based on year of high school graduation will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship in the first academic year. Additional scholarships may be accepted at the sole discretion of WVJC.
Up to $1,000 ($333 per term)
Application Process and Deadlines:
Apply with www.imagine-america.org
Students seeking to apply for this scholarship may submit their application on-line at www.imagine-america.org. Completed applications are initially forwarded to the student’s home high school for review by the appropriate member of the staff. Applications approved by the student’s high school are then forwarded to WVJC for review. *Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to remain eligible for any scholarships. *Scholarship deadline: September 15th of each year following the student’s high school graduation, unless the Imagine America Foundation sets an earlier deadline. Contact Admissions for more information on deadline.
Recent high school graduates have until December 31 to apply. High school graduates of the next year can start applying on January 1.
8. Academic Success Scholarship
It is the goal of the institution to produce graduates who are productive and contributing members of their profession and their communities. The purpose of the Academic Success Scholarship is to motivate and reward responsible students who strive to that end. Scholarship amounts vary based on each student’s academic achievement
Degree programs, excluding all nursing programs.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicant must be enrolled in an Associate Degree Program, excluding nursing.
- Student maintains Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Student completes at least one academic year of his/her program with a minimum 2.50 CGPA.
Number of Awards:
The number of awards is not capped.
4.0 GPA = $3,000 ($1,000 per term)
3.00-3.99 GPA = $2,100 ($700 per term)
2.50 - 2.99 GPA = $1,200 ($400 per term)
*If you are awarded a $3,000 scholarship, additional scholarships cannot be used
Application Process, Deadlines and Awards:
All students are auto-applied for the Academic Success Scholarship by virtue of their enrollment once the first academic year is completed. There is no application or deadline. This scholarship can be applied to only one program per student.
9. West Virginia Friends of Coal Miners Scholarship
West Virginia Friends of Coal Miners Scholarship is designed to support current or former coal company employees and their families’ finance career training. Scholarship deadline: Last day of every month.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Current or former employees including miners, administrative and staff of coal companies and their families who choose to attend West Virginia Junior College.
- Family member are defined as a parent, step-parent, spouse and children including step-children
- Applicants must (a) make application for enrollment, (b) remit application and seat fees (if applicable) and (c) be accepted into one of the institution’s associate degree or diploma programs.
- Student must be able to show eligibility proof (i.e. Coal Miners Card)
Number of Awards:
The number of awards is not capped.
$333 per Term
Degree: Eligible students will be awarded up to $2,000 ($333 per Term)
Diploma: Eligible students will be awarded up to $1,000 in their first year ($333 per Term)
Application Process, Deadlines and Awards:
All students are auto-applied by virtue of their enrollment. There is no application or deadline.
10. Alumni Legacy Scholarship
West Virginia Junior College is committed to upgrading the professional skills and job readiness of West Virginia residents. Therefore, to support this goal and to encourage succeeding generations of West Virginians to realize the career and financial benefits of an education, WVJC offers the Alumni Legacy Scholarship to family members of our graduates
Associate Degree / Diploma
Eligibility Requirements:
- For the purpose of this scholarship only, “Graduate” is defined as a student who meets graduation requirements from one of the Institution’s diploma or associate degree programs.
- Scholarship applicant must be a member of a graduate’s nuclear family. Nuclear family is defined as spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, and children. Step-parents, siblings and children also meet the definition of nuclear family membership. Documentation must be provided upon request.
- *Eligibility may be extended to family members beyond the nuclear family when requested.
- Applicants must (a) make application for enrollment, (b) remit application and seat fees (if applicable) (c) be accepted into one of the institution’s associate degree or diploma programs and (d) Complete the Alumni Legacy Scholarship form
Number of Awards:
The number of awards is not capped.
Degree: Eligible students will be awarded up to $3,000 ($500 per term)
Diploma: Eligible students will be awarded up to $1,500 in their first academic year ($500 per term)
*additional institutional scholarships cannot be used
Application Process & Deadline:
Auto-applied Once Enrolled and the Alumni Legacy Scholarship form is completed and approved by Financial Aid. There is no deadline.
11. Stephen A. Callen Memorial Scholarship
The Stephen A. Callen Memorial Scholarship is named in the honor of the founder of West Virginia Junior College. Mr. Callen was a respected pioneer in the field of education and dedicated his life and career developing academic programs advancing the educational opportunities and career prospects for West Virginians.
To celebrate his legacy of service to the state of West Virginia, this prestigious award will be presented to one high school senior who has demonstrated significant community awareness and academic achievement during their high school years.
Associate Degree
Eligibility Criteria:
- Applicant must be a current high school student or have graduated from high school within 1 year.
- Applicants must (a) make application for enrollment, (b) remit application and seat fees (if applicable) and (c) be accepted into one of the institution’s associate degree programs.
- The scholarship may be applied to associate degree programs only.
- While enrolled at the College, the applicant must maintain (a) continuous enrollment and (b) Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Application Materials Submitted for Review Must Include: Official High School Transcript, Two (2) Letters of Recommendation, An expressive demonstration of your (a) community engagement and (b) leadership potential, using a medium of your choosing (Mediums could include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following: written expression, video, presentation, social media engagement, expressive piece of art, etc.).
Number of Awards:
One per year
One eligible student will be awarded $10,000 the total of which will be evenly distributed across all six terms ($1667 per term) *additional scholarships cannot be used
Application Process & Deadlines:
Application Process: Complete a college interview and submit scholarship application materials
*The Scholarship Board will review all applicants and make a decision on the winning recipient
Application Deadline: Applicant must apply by April 1st of the year of High School Graduation and must enroll and start your program within six months of high school graduation
12. UHC Scholarship for Advancement in Nursing
West Virginia Junior College (WVJC) in Bridgeport, in partnership with United Hospital Center (UHC), is committed to serving the healthcare needs of the residents of north-central West Virginia. To address these critical objectives, WVJC is offering qualified UHC employees a scholarship to encourage them to advance their career in nursing and address the nursing shortage within the area
Associate Degree in Nursing
Eligibility Criteria:
- Residential employees with UHC and in good standing are eligible. Any individual contracted from another employer would not be eligible.
- UHC administration must approve applicants for the scholarship
- Nursing school candidates must meet all admissions criteria of WVJC Bridgeport, be enrolled with application and seat fees paid.
- Eligible candidates must be enrolled in the residential Nursing program.
Number of Awards:
Amount of recipients is determined by the number of applicants.
- $20,000 is to be shared equally between applicants approved.
- The final award amounts per student will be distributed equally over each term in the program.
Application Process & Deadlines:
Qualified students are auto-applied by virtue of their enrollment.
Deadline dates and other scholarship information can be obtained through the admissions office.
13. Career Fast-Track Scholarship
The Career Fast-track Scholarship is a tuition scholarship that is designed to assist individuals who have recently lost their job as a result of business closure or reduction-in-force. WVJC understands that many displaced employees desire to use this unfortunate circumstance as an opportunity to transition into a new, rewarding career. WVJC offers this scholarship as a way to assist effected individuals in fast-tracking their transition.
Diploma/Associate Degree
Eligibility Criteria:
- Applicant’s employment must have been discontinued as a result of business closure or reduction-in-force
- Applicant must make application to the Institution within 180 days of their final day of work where the qualified dislocation of employment occurred
- Applicant must be accepted into one of the Institution’s Associate Degree or Diploma programs.
Number of Awards:
- The number of awards is not capped.
Eligible students will be awarded up to $3,000 for the degree ($500 per term)
* additional scholarships cannot be used
Eligible students will be awarded up to $1,500 ($500 per term) in their first academic year for the diploma.
Application Process & Deadlines:
- Qualified students are auto-applied by virtue of their enrollment. Supporting documentation can be requested at any time. There is no deadline.
14. JRTI Scholarship for Advancement in Nursing
West Virginia Junior College (WVJC) in Bridgeport, in partnership with James Rumsey Technical Institute (JRTI) in Martinsburg, is committed to serving the healthcare needs of the residents of West Virginia’s eastern panhandle. To address these critical objectives, WVJC is offering qualified JRTI LPN graduates a scholarship to encourage them to advance their career in nursing and address the nursing shortage within the area
Associate Degree in Nursing
Eligibility Criteria:
- Applicant is a graduate of the JRTI Practical Nursing program
- Applicant holds a current, unencumbered license to practice as an LPN
- Applicant meets all admissions criteria of WVJC Bridgeport’s associate degree nursing program, is enrolled with application and seat fees paid
- Applicant is enrolled in the hybrid online nursing program serving West Virginia’s eastern panhandle
Number of Awards:
Limited to five (5) recipients per cohort. When there are more than five applicants in a cohort, applicants will be ranked based on total admission score and the five highest ranked applicants will receive the awards. Contact the admissions department for the current admissions scoring system.
Eligible students will be awarded up to $4,000 ($666 per term)* additional scholarships cannot be used.
Application Process & Deadlines:
Deadline dates and other scholarship information can be obtained through the admissions office.
15. Medical Assisting Pathway Scholarship
West Virginia Junior College recognizes the need for trained healthcare professionals in our communities. Therefore, to support this need and the lifelong career goals of our students, WVJC offers the following Medical Assisting Pathway Scholarship to qualified graduates.
Clinical Medical Assistant Degree/Medical Assisting Diploma
Eligibility Criteria:
- Applicant must have successfully completed the Phlebotomy program at WVJC.
- Applicant must have successfully passed the designated certification exam.
- Applicant must apply for and be accepted into the Institution’s Associate Degree or Diploma Medical Assisting program.
Number of Awards:
The number of awards is not capped.
Degree: Eligible students will be awarded up to $3,000 ($500 per term)
*Additional institutional scholarships cannot be used.
Diploma: Eligible students will be awarded up to $1,500 ($500 per term) in their first academic year.
Application Process & Deadlines:
Qualified students are auto-applied for the Medical Assisting Pathway Scholarship by virtue of their enrollment. There are no application deadlines.
16. Vandalia Health System Employee Scholarship
West Virginia Junior College (WVJC) recognizes the need for quality healthcare professionals in our communities. Additionally, WVJC appreciates it partnership with Vandalia Health System. To address the need for quality healthcare professionals and to demonstrate gratitude to our partner, WVJC offers a scholarship for all Vandalia Health System employees.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be a current employee of an entity affiliated with the Vandalia Health System at the time of initial enrollment.
- Must (a) make application for enrollment, (b) remit application and seat fees (if applicable) and (c) be accepted into one of the institution’s associate degree programs.
Number of Awards:
The number of awards is not capped.
Number of Awards:
$3,000 total, disbursed evenly by term
**Additional Scholarships cannot be used.
Application Process & Deadlines:
Applicant can apply on the College’s website or by notifying the admissions department in writing. Application must be made prior to the start of the student's first term. Proof of current and good-standing employment may be requested.
17. Future Nurses of Martinsburg
The Future Nurses of Martinsburg Scholarship is designed to financially support students desiring an education and career as a nurse.
Associate Degree in Nursing (Martinsburg location)
Practical Nursing Diploma (Martinsburg location)
Eligibility Criteria:
- Student is accepted for enrollment into the institution’s associate degree in nursing program (Martinsburg location), or practical nursing program (Martinsburg location)
- Student has financial need where financial need is defined as tuition and fees remaining after all other grants, scholarships or benefits are applied.
Number of Awards:
The number of awards is not capped.
Awards: Eligible students will be awarded up to $3,000 ($500 per term) for the associate degree in nursing program, or up to $500 ($125 per term) for the practical nursing program. *additional scholarships cannot be used for the Associate Degree program.
Application Process & Deadlines:
Qualified students are auto-applied for the Future Nurses of Martinsburg Scholarship by virtue of their enrollment. There are no application deadlines.
18. Future Nurses of Parkersburg
The Future Nurses of Parkersburg Scholarship is designed to financially support students desiring an education and career as a nurse.
Associate Degree in Nursing (Parkersburg location)
Eligibility Criteria:
- Student is accepted for enrollment into the institution’s associate degree in nursing program (Parkersburg location)
- Student has financial need where financial need is defined as tuition and fees remaining after all other grants, scholarships or benefits are applied.
Number of Awards:
The number of awards is not capped. Awards: Eligible students will be awarded up to $3,000 ($500 per term) *additional scholarships cannot be used.
Application Process & Deadlines:
Qualified students are auto-applied for the Future Nurses of Parkersburg Scholarship by virtue of their enrollment. There are no application deadlines.
19. High School Equivalency Scholarship
Each year West Virginia Junior College may offer up to six partial tuition scholarships in the amount of up to $2,000 for each scholarship. The total value of the scholarship is a maximum of $12,000 in any year. Individuals who have successfully completed their High School Equivalency (TASC/GED, etc.) test are eligible to apply for the scholarships. Scholarships will be awarded based on successful completion of the same test given to the high school seniors and after a personal interview with Admissions.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Individuals who have successfully completed their High School Equivalency (TASC/GED, etc.) test are eligible to apply for the scholarships.
Number of Awards:
Up to six per year.
Degree: Eligible students will be awarded up to $2,000 ($333 per term)
Diploma: Eligible students will be awarded up to $1,000 in their first academic year ($333 per term)
Application Process & Deadlines:
Qualified students are auto-applied by virtue of their enrollment. There is no deadline.