Academic Honesty and Integrity

The Institution promotes the exchange of knowledge in an environment that encourages intellectual honesty. This applies to both the Institution’s on-ground and on-line learning environments.   Students must maintain high standards of academic conduct. A student's conduct must not interfere with the learning process of any other student, the instructor, or the progress of the class. Violation of the academic honesty and integrity standards include, but are not limited to: 

  • Copy from another student’s assignment/quiz/test or know­ingly allow one’s own assignment/quiz/test to be copied. 
  • Use materials during an assignment/quiz/test that were not clearly authorized by the person giving the assignment/quiz/test. 
  • Collaborate with another student during an assignment/quiz/test without permission. 
  • Knowingly use, buy, sell, offer, transport, or solicit any of the contents of an assignment/quiz/test. 
  • Complete an assignment/quiz/test for another student or permit another student to complete an assignment/quiz/test in one’s place. 
  • Bribe or attempt to bribe another person to obtain a passing grade or a better grade on an assignment/quiz/test. 
  • Intentionally misstate facts or events on a graded exercise or assignment in a manner that affects the grade. 
  • Engage in plagiarism, which includes representing the work of another person as one’s own, including information downloaded from the Internet. The use of another person’s words, ideas, or information with­out proper acknowledgement also constitutes pla­giarism. 
  • Obtain from or give to another student unauthorized assistance on any course work. 
  • Compromise instructional and assignment/quiz/test materials by acquiring, using, or providing to others unauthorized instructional and/or assignment/quiz/test materials.
  • Share school issued usernames and passwords, computer, email, or learning management system access.

A student found in violation of the Academic Honesty and Integrity policy may be subject to disciplinary action by the Instructor, Program Coordinator/Director, Academic Dean, or College President.  An instructor may impose sanctions against a student in accordance with the instructor’s course policy.  Sanctions may include but not limited to (a) a written warn­ing and/or (b) a lowered or failing grade (including a grade of zero or no credit) on the assignment, test/quiz or project which was the subject of the aca­demic violation. If the instructor believes that additional or different sanctions should be imposed against the student, the matter will be referred to the attention of the Academic Dean or College President.  In cases where a student commits multiple violations of the Academic Honesty and Integrity policy, the Academic Dean or College President will make the final determination regarding disciplinary action.