Student Conduct

On-Campus, Off-Campus, and Social Medial Use

Students are expected to be courteous to staff, faculty, and fellow students and to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate for a school setting.  In addition, threatening, abusive, harassing, disruptive or intimidating conduct is strictly prohibited, as is obscene, profane, disrespectful, or insulting statements.  Also, any statements or actions which disparage, ridicule, or otherwise demeans another individual or any organization is also strictly prohibited. These types of statements and conduct are prohibited whether directed at a fellow student, staff or faculty member, the campus, or any other persons or organizations.  Failure to meet these standards of conduct will result in disciplinary actions including possible termination from school.

Any conduct occurring off-campus which would be a violation if it occurred on-campus is considered a violation of the standards expected of students.  For example, if a student harasses or threatens another student off-campus, then the victim is being denied his or her rights to attend class without the fear of being threatened or harassed.

Conduct that violates this policy can occur either face-to-face in the victim’s presence or through other means of communication, such as social media.  Any post on any social media site or public communication, which in the institution’s sole judgment, violates the standards described in this section, shall be immediately removed upon request.  Such posts are a violation of the standards of student conduct and subject the offender to disciplinary action stated elsewhere in this catalog, up to and including expulsion.

Audio recording, video recording or any other type of recording of instructors, staff, students or others or of any activity or event on campus or any official off-campus school activity is strictly prohibited.  This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, recordings: of classroom instruction, in the student lounge, staff offices, hallways, etc. and/or recordings of telephone calls, and/or other means of electronic communication, etc.  Anyone violating this policy is subject to discipline, including immediate termination.  Any recordings made in violation of this policy must be immediately turned over to the College President without court order or other action. Audio and video recordings by employees or subcontractors may be authorized for quality assurance, regulatory compliance and other business purposes.