Certain factors may limit the ability of the student to complete all necessary graduation requirements and/or may negatively impact the graduate’s ability to obtain meaningful employment in field. Examples of such factors may include, but are not limited to:
- Family and/or other personal obligations, such as responsibility for minor children in situations where the applicant does not have adequate childcare assistance,
- Lack of a reliable car or other means of transportation to enable the applicant to attend all classes and, after graduation, commute to places of potential employment,
- Criminal record that would inhibit the applicant’s ability to complete the program and/or obtain employment in the field,
- Lack of intent to seek employment in field or seek other benefit related to the training upon completion of program
Individuals interested in one of the Institution’s programs are to:
- Meet with admissions.
- Acquire and complete an Application for Admission. Applications for admission may be obtained from the admissions staff.
- Receive admissions decision.
- Complete and sign the enrollment agreement, remit the respective program fees (See Statement of Tuition and Fees for program of interest.), and fill out any other form or provide any other documentation the Institution may deem necessary. In addition, applicants for some healthcare programs must have on file any required immunizations, clearances, or other documentation prior to attending externships or clinicals.
Acceptance of applicants is also subject to minimum and maximum class size and academic scheduling requirements. Acceptance for admission indicates only that the applicant meets the minimum acceptance requirements. Applicants should not assume acceptance is an express or implicit guarantee or a representation of the likelihood of academic or career success or ability of the applicant to achieve the applicant’s goals.
Accommodations for Disabilities
Applicants needing an accommodation for a disability must submit a written request to their admissions team member indicating the nature and extent of the disability and specific accommodation requested. This request should include any IEP paperwork used by the applicant in previous schooling.
Late Application
Applicants may apply for admission any time prior to the starting date of the term for which the applicant desires admission. At the discretion of the College President and subject to maximum class sizes, the applicant may register late after the start of classes, so long as admissions requirements are met and all required documentation is on file.
Cancellation of Enrollment
All students enroll subject to their right to cancel their enrollment during their first term as provided for in their enrollment agreement. In addition, the Institution reserves the right to exercise professional judgment to cancel the student’s enrollment when it deems such action to be in the best interest of the Institution or the student. When a student’s enrollment is cancelled without cause, the student will not be penalized either academically or financially. That is, the student will not receive withdrawals or failing grades, no academic records will be maintained, and any tuition already paid will be refunded. The legal obligation to follow the institution’s Dispute Resolution Procedure survives cancellation of the student’s enrollment.