Ethics and Legal Compliance Policy

This institution is proud of its community reputation and recognizes that following sound ethical principles and compliance with all governing laws and regulations is the best way to maintain its reputation.  It is the policy of this institution that all individuals associated with this institution shall: (a) at all times observe and comply with all laws, rules and regulations, and all other applicable requirements, including accrediting agency criteria and, (b) carry out their duties in an ethical manner.

Any staff, faculty member, employee, or student who acts in an unethical manner or violates any law or regulation is in violation of this policy and is subject to discipline that is appropriate for the severity of the violation.  Discipline may include termination of employment, in the case of an employee, or dismissal from school, in the case of a student.  All persons affiliated with this institution, including employees and students, are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with this policy and with integrity and respect for other individuals at all times.

In the event that anyone becomes aware of a possible violation of this policy (including any violations of law or governing regulations or ethical conduct), the possible violation should be reported to the College President.  Retaliation against anyone reporting a possible violation of this policy (including any violations of law or governing regulations or ethical standards) is strictly prohibited and is a violation of this policy.  In the event the College President fails to adequately address the situation in the opinion of the person reporting the possible violation, or if the possible violation involves the College President, then the matter is to be reported to the Office of the General Counsel at (304) 296-8284, or Office of the General Counsel, 3280 University Avenue, Suite 6, Morgantown, WV 26505.  The General Counsel will review the matter and make a preliminary decision as quickly as practical under the circumstances, considering the facts involved, needed investigation, etc.  If the General Counsel’s Office has not acknowledged receipt of the notification within 14 days, please call the office and specifically ask to speak to the Campus General Counsel.